These workshops are tailored to help you quickly get started using NVivo or understanding Qualitative Methods. They range from 1hr – 4 hrs depending on the workshop. They provide you with foundations of what you need to get going, without adding on all the extra “stuff” that may not be relevant to your project. For more information, please contact me using this form or via email:

Getting started with NVivo

This short workshop covers the fundamentals of what you need to do to get started with your coding in NVivo. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to import your data and start your coding and analysis using NVivo, as well as perform some basic queries.

NVivo: Queries, Visuals & Analysis

This workshop assumes a basic knowledge of NVivo. You will learn about the different tools you can use to further your analysis and understanding of the data including queries, word clouds, mind maps, charts and more.  

NVivo for Supervisors

This short workshop demonstrates the capabilities, functions and features of NVivo in a condensed, simple format. By the end of this workshop, Supervisors will have a clear idea of how NVivo works, the main features of the software and how to guide students planning on using the software.

NVivo for a Literature Review

This workshop provides an introduction to NVivo and is suitable for all researchers. By the end of the workshop, researchers will know how to use NVivo, and will know how to get the most out of your literature using NVivo. and make the most of NVivo to get the maximum benefit for their literature review.

Robust Research Design

This workshop covers the foundations of qualitative methodology so you can formulate a good robust research design. The workshop covers concepts such as Epistemology and Theoretical perspectives in the context of developing and choosing research tools to collect data in a practical and engaging way. We will also work through designing a solid research questions. This workshop is for everyone, those that know nothing about research design, and experts that want to know more.

This workshop can be broken down into parts or added to another workshop. It is best run alongside individual consultancies to participants have a chance to ask questions and get guidance specific to their own research.