I provide a variety of consultancy services, and can also assist with the analysis of data for your project. You can find out more by completing this form, or sending me an email anuja.cabraal@gmail.com.


I can assist with your data analysis. Using the method and means of your choice, I can help you analyse your qualitative research data. Please not that I do not do this for student-based research (including masters and doctorate students), however I can provide coaching and training if you are a student on how to best approach analysis for your research.

Individual and team-based consultancies:

I consult with individuals and research teams on their specific projects. I provide them with guidance on how to move forward with their research dependent on their topic and methodology being employed. I can also be employed to do analysis for your research project*. I also assist with the following:

  • Help researchers determine which methodology they have used
  • Facilitate the development of a sound research question
  • Guide on the best way to approach analysis (with or without software)

If using software:

  • Teach how to use the software
  • Best ways to set up the project based on their research
  • Ways to approach analysis using the software.

Project based consultancies:

I provide consultancies for research projects. Based on the research area, topic and question, I advise on the best way to set-up the project in NVivo, and the tools and features that would be the best fit and most appropriate for the project such as queries, visualisations, and classifications. 

Please contact me if you have any questions or queries using this form, or via email. I am also happy to tailor something specific to your needs.

Email: anuja.cabraal@gmail.com